7 Main Hyperhidrosis Triggers

7 Main Hyperhidrosis Triggers

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating without any particular reason. Sweating is not linked to the climate or to physical exertion. Though not considered a serious problem, hyperhidrosis can be uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing to handle. Here are some of the common triggers for hyperhidrosis. Knowing them can help unwanted flare-ups of the condition.

Anxiety is a trigger for sweating in everyone. People start sweating when they are worried about something. This is no different for a person with hyperhidrosis. One of the most common triggers for hyperhidrosis that experts have identified is anxiety. For people with the condition, a small trigger of anxiety can cause sweating and the embarrassment about sweating in public can actually make the condition worse. Anti-anxiety medications can help handle this trigger better.

Endocrine-based Conditions
There are a lot of health conditions that are triggered because of endocrine imbalance. Diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and hyperpituitarism are few of them. When you have hyperhidrosis and also are diagnosed with one or more of these endocrine disorders, these health conditions can be a trigger for excessive sweating. Getting treated for these conditions can help your hyperhidrosis state too.

For women, menopause is a very common trigger for hyperhidrosis. The combination of symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats develops during menopause and this makes hyperhidrosis worse. Many women who have successfully handled hyperhidrosis in the past find the condition intensified during menopause.

Certain Medications
Some medications can trigger excessive sweating. Antidepressants, particularly, are known to be potential common triggers for hyperhidrosis. When you are diagnosed with hyperhidrosis, make sure you mention this to your doctor and alter your medications accordingly.

Excessive Alcohol Intake
When you consume alcohol, your heart rate increases rapidly and the blood vessels in your skin dilate. You feel warm when you drink an alcoholic beverage. This can also act as a trigger for hyperhidrosis. People who are excessively intoxicated find themselves sweating uncontrollably.

For many people, withdrawals can also trigger hyperhidrosis. Substance withdrawal includes quitting illegal substances, alcohol, or smoking. This, however, is a temporary condition that goes away once the withdrawal symptoms disappear.

There are some infections that can act as common triggers for hyperhidrosis. Urinary Tract Infections, tuberculosis, and mononucleosis are some common infectious triggers. These have to be treated right away for the intensity of hyperhidrosis to reduce.

All these common triggers for hyperhidrosis vary from one person to another. Those diagnosed with the condition will have to make a note of all your potential triggers and try staying away from them. Hyperhidrosis is not a difficult condition to live with. With the right lifestyle changes and medications, you can have a healthy quality of life.