8 Signs of Food Allergies in Dogs
Life Hacks

8 Signs of Food Allergies in Dogs

Pets require proper love, care, and attention in every way possible to remain healthy. Is your dog constantly itching and shaking its head? It could be a food allergy; just like humans, dogs can also have an allergic reaction to certain foods. To help you understand this better, you must keep an eye out for the following symptoms and triggers for food allergies in dogs to prevent severe complications: Chronic diarrhea : Loose stool is the most common symptom of food allergies in dogs. It is a sign that your pet’s unable to digest certain food products and may be triggered by beef, egg, dairy, and even chicken. In case the dog experiences diarrhea for more than a day, it indicates serious intolerance to a specific food item. Continuous paw licking : To understand the symptoms and triggers for food allergies in dogs, you must observe your dog’s behavior properly. If your pet does not stop licking its paws, it might indicate a food allergy. Dogs lick their paws to get relief from the constant itchiness caused by allergies. Ear inflammation : Food allergies may cause your dog’s ears to remain infected and red. During an ear infection, they keep shaking her head and leaning on one side.
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Pet Travel Tips for a Safe and Memorable Trip
Life Hacks

Pet Travel Tips for a Safe and Memorable Trip

Traveling with your pet for the first time requires a lot of preparation and planning to ensure that both of you enjoy a hassle-free holiday. Whether you’re planning to travel by road, rail, water, or air, follow this basic guide for pet-friendly travel to make your trip less tiring and stressful: Pre-travel preparation Take your pet to the park or for drives to make them familiar with traveling Choose a mode of travel according to your pet’s temperament and comfort Get a health certificate from your pet’s veterinarian if you’re traveling internationally Check the vaccination and quarantine regulations of your destination country or city If you’re flying with your pet, go through the airline’s policies for traveling with a pet and book a direct flight to avoid dealing with stopovers What to pack Pack all essential items for keeping your pet calm and comfortable, including collars, leashes, safety harness, treats, dry food, and your pet’s medications Carry collapsible food and water bowls on a trip with your pet Carry a first aid kit to take care of your pet in case of an emergency Buy a crate or carrier that meets the airline’s requirements and your pet’s comfort, and attach an identification tag to the crate Keep a waterproof dog pad in the crate for easy cleanup A guide for pet-friendly travel by air Most airlines allow pets in the cabin and provide great conditions for your pet, while you can also choose the cargo pet travel option Some airports have pet relief areas where you can take your pet before boarding the flight Keep your pet’s favorite blanket or toy inside the crate to keep them comfortable and increase familiarity, especially if tey’re not allowed in the cabin Keep your pet well-fed and hydrated but not full before traveling A guide for pet-friendly travel by road Take your dog for short drives and gradually increase the duration to make them stay in the car at ease through long journeys Use a seat belt and harness for your pet to keep them safe and ensure your peace of mind while driving Check on the temperature of the car at regular intervals and keep the windows closed to prevent your pet from jumping out Make regular stops and allow your pet to stretch and go on water or potty breaks.
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Toxic Houseplants for Cats
Life Hacks

Toxic Houseplants for Cats

Feel like adding a touch of greenery to your home? You can always add a few potted plants to up the decor and freshen the air. Most of them are easy to care for, but you must pick the right plants, especially if you have a cat at home. It’s best to steer clear of the following houseplants that are toxic to cats: Lilies There are over 90 varieties of this plant, including Easter lilies, lily of the valley, peace lilies, and Asiatic lily, and all of them are listed among the houseplants that are toxic to cats. If your cat ingests even a small quantity of any part of this plant, it can cause kidney failure. Pothos Commonly known as money plant, this houseplant is very easy to care for and is a popular choice among people with little or no experience in caring for plants. Plus, it’s quite affordable, which makes it a good option to enhance the appearance of your home without overshooting your budget. Although the pathos plant does not cause any harm when touched, your cat will experience vomiting, oral swelling, and a burning sensation on its lips and mouth if it ingests it. Mistletoe You might be considering getting a mistletoe plant to decorate your home during the holiday season.
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10 Human Foods That Are Toxic for Pets
Life Hacks

10 Human Foods That Are Toxic for Pets

If you’re an animal lover and a pet owner, you must be aware of the common food toxicity sources for them. It enables you to care for your pet better and ensure their safety by keeping them away from ingesting anything that is potentially toxic. For the overall health of your pet, never let your pet consume certain types of food that are considered toxic for them. Here’s a list of some common food toxicity sources for pets that you must keep your furry friends away from: Chocolates Chocolates contain theobromine, which is difficult for pets to metabolize. All types of chocolates, including white, milk, dark, and bakers chocolate, are considered toxic to pets. It can result in vomiting and diarrhea and can even cause seizures and death in severe cases. Gums, candies, peanut butter, and baked goods All of them contain xylitol, which is an artificial sweetener and is highly toxic for pets. It can cause damage to their liver and lead to seizures. Garlic and onions Both garlic and onions kill Red Blood Cells (RBCs) and can cause anemia in pets when consumed in large amounts or even in regular small doses. Grapes and raisins The consumption of grapes and raisins, even in small amounts, can make your pet ill.
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Home Remedies to Protect Dogs from Fleas and Ticks
Life Hacks

Home Remedies to Protect Dogs from Fleas and Ticks

Dogs are loyal and amazing companions and people love having them as their pets. But, having a pet is not all play and involves quite a bit of work too. As one responsible for their welfare, just feeding them isn’t enough, you also have to ensure to protect them from probable health issues that disease-ridden pests can cause. To help you out, here are some simple home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs. DIY sprays: Some natural ingredients can help in keeping fleas and ticks away from your home, and hence, from your dog. A few of the useful sprays that you can make at home include the following: Salt and apple cider vinegar spray: Apple cider vinegar is a versatile ingredient and it can also be used along with a dash of salt to create a protective spray. It will keep your dog’s coat free of fleas, and will also aid in retaining the natural pH levels of the animal. Also, it is good for environment. While spraying, make a note to shield the eyes of the pet. Spray from essential oils: Essential oils like tea tree, eucalyptus, citronella and rosemary can naturally repel fleas.
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Tips for Buying Healthy Dog Food
Life Hacks

Tips for Buying Healthy Dog Food

Choosing the correct food for your dog means carefully selecting meals with the appropriate ingredients so that they can have a well-balanced and healthy diet. The right nutrition for your dog depends on its breed, age, and activity level. Apart from exercise, the daily diet is the chief contributor to a dog’s well-being. Listed below are a few healthy dog food tips that you must keep in mind when you next visit the pet shop to get them their chow. Check the ingredients on the label: While buying food for your dog, you must examine the labels and check its ingredients. Usually, the product lists the contents in order of the nutrients present in the highest amount to the lowest. You can research the ingredients and check whether it is good or bad for your dog. Prevent making shelf-stable food as their daily diet : Because of cleverly crafted marketing strategies, the consumer does not pay attention to why some processed foods have a shelf life of around 24 months. These products do not have live enzymes because of their industrial cooking, and mostly depend on synthetic ingredients to meet balanced food standards. Processed foods should not become a staple diet for your dog.
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Safety Factors Before Using Essential Oils on Pets
Life Hacks

Safety Factors Before Using Essential Oils on Pets

In most families, pets are considered special and are treated with the same love and respect that the other members in the house get. This is why pet parents want to try everything beneficial for their fur babies, making quite a few of them believe in the advantages of essential oils. But, while these oils are great for humans, they have to be used with caution on pets. Here are some factors to consider before using essential oils for pets. Know the oils that are safe on pets: Not all essential oils are safe for pets. In fact, some oils are downright toxic and can cause extreme allergic reactions. Before you use them, talk to your vet or an essential oil expert and identify the options that are relatively safe for your cat or dog. Test the oil before using it: One of the important factors to consider before using essential oils for pets is to do a patch test on a small part of the skin. This will help you understand whether the pet is allergic to the oil or not. Do the patch test, monitor the pet for a couple of days, and then decide if you want to go ahead with it.
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7 Tips for Buying Healthy Cat Treats
Life Hacks

7 Tips for Buying Healthy Cat Treats

Cat treats are occasional snacking options that pet parents offer to their cats and kittens. These treats can be used to train the cat or reward a good behavior. Many pet owners, however, choose sugary and fat-rich items for their beloved fur babies that contribute to their excessive weight gain. To avoid that, here are useful tips for buying healthy cat treats. Do not opt for human treats: There are many families that offer their cats human snacks and treats, assuming human food is better tasting than cat food. You should know that human food can be very difficult for cats to digest, and can cause indigestion problems. Always choose cat-friendly treats and snacks. Look for protein-rich treats: Cats benefit a lot from good proteins. When you buy cat treats, check the labels. Proteins have to be a major component of the treat to actually make it healthy. Stay away from treats with added sweeteners: Sweet tasting treats are very bad for cats as they contribute to excess weight gain and subsequent diabetes. Cats are not very active naturally, and hence, their calories and nutrient intakes have to be constantly monitored. Do not buy any treat that has added sweeteners in them.
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6 Effective Quit Smoking Tips
Life Hacks

6 Effective Quit Smoking Tips

Smoking is addictive and harmful to the body. However, people keep smoking because they find quitting hard. In 2018, it was estimated that about 34 million adults in the country smoked regularly. If you have been finding it difficult to quit this harmful habit, here are some top tips for quitting smoking. These suggestions will help you get rid of the habit entirely, forever. Make the decision first Some people keep thinking about quitting smoking but never really implement the plan in real-time. The first tip for quitting smoking is to make the decision with complete consciousness. Decide a date from when you will be quitting and make sure you follow through on it. Find your purpose Why are you quitting smoking? You need to be convinced by the purpose, and only then can you follow up on the withdrawal process. Are you worried about your health? Is your partner tired of you smoking? Are you physically sick? Keep telling yourself that things will get better once you quit. You can also take a print out of the reason and stick in on your worktable to remind yourself why you are doing this. Understand your trigger periods Some people need to smoke the minute they wake up, while other people cannot do without a cigarette right after lunch.
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5 Dresses That Are Suitable For Every Occasion
Life Hacks

5 Dresses That Are Suitable For Every Occasion

Clothes play a huge role in defining a woman and her tastes. This is why, you should pick up the dress that makes you look attractive and confident. Choosing the right dress and putting it on for the right occasion matters a lot. Here is a list of top dresses for every occasion that you should invest in. Floor-length dresses Are you attending a black-tie dinner? Are you accompanying your husband to an event at his workplace? Or are you planning to attend a gala? For all such formal events, a floor length gown is the way to go. You can choose these in materials like satin or silk and keep prints minimum. These accentuate your figure and make you look tall and confident. You should have these in your wardrobe. Evening dresses There is a whole category called “evening dresses” offered by all top clothing brands. These are a mix of semi-formal and casual types and are also called dressy-casuals. Most of these evening dresses are knee-length and come with minimal frills and embellishments. These can be worn to cocktail parties, wedding receptions, and even to birthday parties of friends and family. In the list of top dresses for every occasion, these are certainly very versatile and comfortable.
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