Effective Natural Remedies for Gout

Effective Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout is caused due to the presence of excess uric acid in the body. This disease affects the joints, especially in the hands and feet. The pain can be severe and render the person immobile. Here are some top natural remedies for gout that you should know about.

  • One serving of cherries a day
    Several studies disclose that cherries are a very effective remedy for gout attacks. You can pick any cherry (red, black, sweet, or sour) and include one serving in your diet every day. Results will show up in just a couple of days. This natural remedy for gout is beneficial.
  • Ginger juice or ginger tea
    Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory rhizome and is used in a variety of herbal concoctions created for gout. You can mix ginger juice with lime and sugar and consume it like a beverage. It is advised to make ginger tea and drink it every day. Ginger can also be boiled in water, made into a concoction, and applied to the affected areas.
  • Fish-based meals
    Another very popular anti-inflammatory food is fish. Fishes help bring down inflammation in the body. And if you are a seafood lover, fishes are very tasty too. These can be included in your daily diet plan to see a tremendous difference in the flare-ups.
  • Ice packs
    Ice packs can be one of the natural remedies for gout to help relieve pain. Gout attacks can be very painful, and sitting quietly with an ice pack on the affected area can help ease the pain and discomfort.
  • Coffee
    Did you know that coffee can bring down the body’s uric acid levels? Try sipping on a warm cup of coffee once a day to bring down the risk of gout flare-ups.
  • Hibiscus tea
    Hibiscus is an edible flower that has been used since long to treat inflammation in the body. You can buy dried hibiscus flowers and brew them into hot teas or cold drinks. Make sure you check the instruction labels before you use the flower, though.
  • Epsom salt water bath
    Taking an Epsom salt water can help you deal with the pain. It is one of the important natural remedies for gout. Immerse yourself in your bathtub filled with warm water and Epsom salt or put the affected area inside a bucket filled with Epsom salt and warm water. Your pain will get better.

You must opt for these natural remedies for gout along with the right medications to make yourself better. All these remedies will reduce the intensity of the pain while decreasing the flare-up frequencies. Gout need not make your life miserable. Try out these natural remedies to become healthy and active.