DIY Hair Removal Tips

DIY Hair Removal Tips

Are you tired of having to handle unwanted hair growth in all parts of the body? Some men and women are prone to quicker and rapid growth of body hair. Do not worry. Here are some of the top DIY hair removal tips that you should know about. These can be done easily at home with minimal ingredients and tools.

DIY hair removal tips

  • Oatmeal and honey mask
    Make a paste of organic oatmeal, some honey, and lemon juice and apply this as a mask on the ar e as where you have excess hair growth. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes and then gently rub it in a circular motion (like exfoliating) and remove it. Do this 2-3 times a week, and the hair will be gone for a couple of weeks.
  • Sugar waxing
    This is a popular DIY hair removal tip that women all over the world find instant results. Combine sugar, lemon juice, and some water in a saucepan and let it heat to 240 degrees Fahrenheit. The sugar will get into a firm ball-like consistency now. This is your DIY homemade wax. Once the wax is warm enough, spread it on your skin and strip off using wax strips. You can make the wax in advance and microwave it before you use it.
  • Egg white mask
    Among the list of  DIY hair removal tips  is using egg whites. Egg whites are sticky and work effectively in curbing excess hair growth on the face. Apply a mix of egg whites, honey, and cornstarch all over the face and let it naturally dry (15-20 minutes). Once dry, peel off the mask, and it will come out, pulling smaller hair strands from the roots. This technique works great, and in a few weeks, your face will be free of hair and will also glow thanks to the proteins in egg whites.
  • Lemon and honey peel off mask
    This technique also works similar to the sugar wax. Heat some honey and lemon juice until the mixture thickens and becomes like wax. Once it is warm enough to handle, use as wax and pick up a waxing strip or a fabric piece to remove unwanted hair from anywhere in the body.
  • Gelatin and milk face mask
    Another instant hair removal tip is using a mix of gelatin and milk on facial hair. Microwave a mix of gelatin and a few drops of milk for 20-30 seconds. Once the mix warms down a little, it resembles a thick paste. Apply this paste on the face and let it dry for 5-10 minutes. Peel it off and wash your face. 

Try out all these DIY hair removal tips, and you will not be disappointed with the results. With these techniques, you can save money spent on expensive salon visits.