5 Symptoms That Indicate Hepatitis C

5 Symptoms That Indicate Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C, an infection that develops due to the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), affects the liver. The Hepatitis C virus is transmitted when one comes into contact with contaminated blood, and it can lead to severe complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer if the condition isn’t treated on time. So, it is essential to identify the early warning signs of hepatitis C and get it treated in the initial stages.

Herpetologists call hepatitis C a “silent” infection because the early warning signs of the condition mimic many other medical issues. Many people with the infection don’t even know that they have it. Let’s take a look at the initial symptoms that can help detect the condition in the early stages:

Loss of appetite
Poor appetite is one of the early warning signs of hepatitis C, and it can also cause weight loss. Nutritionists advise patients to have small and frequent nutritious meals to combat this issue. It is better to eat high-calorie, protein-based foods like eggs, beans, nuts, avocados, and protein shakes so that the consumption of small portions helps one meet the recommended dietary allowance.

Nausea and vomiting
Many patients complain of nausea and vomiting in the early stages of hepatitis C. There is a persistent discomfort in the stomach, and patients may also feel an urge to throw up. Some also feel a tightness or heaviness in the abdominal region, so it’s advisable to keep a bucket near the bed. If one notices a dark red or coffee-colored component in vomit, they should immediately visit the hospital for a thorough medical checkup.

A considerable number of hepatitis C patients experience fatigue as a warning sign of the disease. They lack the energy to complete daily tasks, despite following the standard rest patterns. Studies reveal that fatigue develops due to liver injury and as a response to the body’s fight against the virus. One can chart out a plan of sleeping and waking up at fixed times to retain energy.

Body aches
Muscle and joint aches are other common signs of hepatitis C. Swelling and edema aggravates the pain and makes the daily life of patients challenging. In most cases, these symptoms appear due to the autoimmune response of the system due to the viral infection. The pain becomes worse if one practices poor posture, but proper treatment of the HCV helps relieve the aches.

Dark-colored urine
If the bilirubin level increases considerably, patients discharge dark-colored urine. Their eyes, nails, and skin might also turn yellowish due to poor liver function.

These were a few common early warning signs of hepatitis C that need immediate medical attention . Early diagnosis of the condition increases the chances of successful treatment and helps prevent severe complications.