Common Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

Common Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

The symptoms of ovarian cancer, especially in the early stages of the disease, are quite similar to other health issues like Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). This makes it difficult to diagnose the condition. Only about 15-20% of ovarian cancer cases are detected in the early stages, but women should be aware of these main symptoms of ovarian cancer to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment: Swollen abdomen or constantly feeling bloated : The accumulation of fluid in the pelvis or abdomen is known as ascites and can cause a feeling of bloating. Discomfort in the pelvic or abdominal region : This includes persistent bloating, gas, pressure, and cramps. Appetite loss : This is a common symptom of ovarian and other types of cancer that affect the reproductive system. Feeling full more quickly when eating : The fluid buildup in the abdomen could result in feeling full after eating very little. An urge to urinate more often or more urgently than usual : The growth of the tumor increases pressure on the bladder and can cause these urinary issues. That said, this symptom could also be a sign of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Vaginal bleeding :
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5 Factors That Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer

5 Factors That Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer occurs when certain cells in the prostate gland become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably, forming a tumor. The disease causes severe pain and discomfort, so it’s important to know the top risk factors for prostate cancer to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment. One can also make more informed and healthy lifestyle choices to lower the risk of developing it. Listed below are some of the top risk factors for prostate cancer: Age Age is obviously one of the top risk factors for prostate cancer. The risk elevates after the age of 40, while the chances of developing the disease are significantly high post the age of 60. It is rarely found in males below the age of 40, so men should get tested at regular intervals as they grow old. Family history Genetics and family history are also among the top risk factors for prostate cancer. Men with an immediate relative like their father or a brother who has/had prostate cancer are twice as likely to get diagnosed with the condition than others. Like many other hormonal and metabolic diseases, genes have a significant amount of contribution to the development of prostate cancer. Diet and obesity A diet high in saturated fats elevates the risk of prostate cancer.
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Effective Natural Remedies for Gout

Effective Natural Remedies for Gout

Gout is caused due to the presence of excess uric acid in the body. This disease affects the joints, especially in the hands and feet. The pain can be severe and render the person immobile. Here are some top natural remedies for gout that you should know about. One serving of cherries a day Several studies disclose that cherries are a very effective remedy for gout attacks. You can pick any cherry (red, black, sweet, or sour) and include one serving in your diet every day. Results will show up in just a couple of days. This natural remedy for gout is beneficial. Ginger juice or ginger tea Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory rhizome and is used in a variety of herbal concoctions created for gout. You can mix ginger juice with lime and sugar and consume it like a beverage. It is advised to make ginger tea and drink it every day. Ginger can also be boiled in water, made into a concoction, and applied to the affected areas. Fish-based meals Another very popular anti-inflammatory food is fish. Fishes help bring down inflammation in the body. And if you are a seafood lover, fishes are very tasty too. These can be included in your daily diet plan to see a tremendous difference in the flare-ups.
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Lifestyle Tips to Effectively Manage ADHD

Lifestyle Tips to Effectively Manage ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which a person cannot concentrate or stay attentive. ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, and it can persist well into adulthood. Here are some smart lifestyle management tips for ADHD that you can follow to make the condition better for yourself or your child. These management tips are approved by mental experts globally and work effectively. Create a sleep routine Sleep is essential for a person diagnosed with ADHD. It is one of the most vital lifestyle management tips for ADHD that decides how well the person copes with it. It helps create a sleep pattern, and you need to stick to it every day. Avoiding screen time before sleeping, ensuring your space is calm, and using sleep supplements if needed helps the person stay calm and composed the next day. Exercising regularly Physically working out helps burn some of the excitement and hyperactivity the body and the mind go through. You should aim to get at least 45 minutes of physical exercise every day. It could be playing football with friends, riding the bicycle, hitting the gym, or taking a brisk walk around your house. Exercising as a lifestyle management tip for ADHD helps the person concentrate better.
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5 Arthritis-Friendly Foods to Alleviate Pain

5 Arthritis-Friendly Foods to Alleviate Pain

Arthritis is a common and painful health condition that causes swelling, stiffness, and pain in the joints. There are more than hundred types of the disease. Among the common types are osteoarthritis, which develops in the joints, and rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s defensive network to attack the joints. People with arthritis should include these top foods to manage the pain that accompanies the condition: Fatty fish Fatty fish like sardines, salmon, and mackerel are among the top foods to manage arthritis pain. This is because of two reasons: they contain a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects, and they are rich in vitamin D, which provides relief from pain in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is often caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in the body, so people with this form of arthritis should necessarily include oily fish in their diets. Garlic Garlic has numerous health benefits and is one of the top foods to manage arthritis pain. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties make it particularly helpful for people with osteoarthritis. Garlic also enhances the functions of certain immune cells, strengthening the immune system. Using garlic in the daily meals of an arthritis patient is a great idea.
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Common Types and Causes of Anemia

Common Types and Causes of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which your body has insufficient healthy red blood cells (RBC). RBCs are responsible for carrying oxygen to the tissues in your body. A person diagnosed with anemia will show signs of weakness, fatigue, paleness, and weight loss. While iron-deficient anemia is the most common type diagnosed, there are other different types and causes of anemia, too, that you should know about. Iron deficient anemia This is a condition where the anemia is caused as a result of insufficient iron in the body. Iron is a mineral that helps produce hemoglobin that RBCs use to carry oxygen to the tissues. Without iron, your RBCs are helpless and do not carry needed oxygen to the rest of the body. This will leave you feeling short of breath and tired all the time. Aplastic anemia In the list of different types and causes of anemia, this is a rare yet complicated condition you should be aware of. When you have aplastic anemia, your body stops producing new blood cells. This can happen randomly for no apparent reason, and people of all ages can be affected by this. This condition needs medical attention right away. Sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia is also a rare condition of anemia.
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5 Signs That Indicate Sleep Apnea

5 Signs That Indicate Sleep Apnea

Sound sleep gives the body the time to rest and repair, while also getting ready for another day. Quality sleep is necessary for optimal overall health and wellbeing, but sleep disorders can disrupt one’s sleep patterns. Sleep apnea is one such condition that makes peaceful sleep difficult, as patients repeatedly wake up at night gasping for air. The disorder causes interrupted breathing when one is asleep because the throat muscles relax too much and block the airway. It’s important to know about the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea to treat it early, so let’s look at some of them: Loud snoring Snoring is often ignored, but regular, loud snoring could be one of the obvious warning signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. The sleep disorder causes obstructions in the breathing patterns, which is why a person ends up breathing through the mouth sometimes, and through the nose at other times. These discrepancies compel them to snore loudly in sleep. Excessive daytime sleeping Often, one may feel excessively drowsy in the morning without a solid cause. Well, excessive daytime sleepiness or the tendency to fall asleep can be one of the primary signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. The body does not get enough rest because of disrupted sleep at night, which causes sleepiness the next day.
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6 Early Signs of Breast Cancer

6 Early Signs of Breast Cancer

One in eight females in the country are diagnosed with breast cancer over their lifetime, so women must know about the early warning signs of breast cancer. Being aware of these changes in their bodies can help women get timely diagnosis and treatment. Let’s look at some of the early warning signs of breast cancer: Lumps in the underarms or around the breasts: This is usually one of the most basic and early warning signs of breast cancer. If one sees lumps around the breasts or armpits, they should take note of this and visit a doctor right away. These lumps usually appear suddenly and are often hard and painless. Swelling near the collarbone or armpit: In this case, swelling is likely to start before one feels the lumps. It happens when breast cancer has affected the lymph nodes, which causes swelling in the area. Consulting a doctor is necessary if one notices this early warning sign of breast cancer. An indented area on the breast: Sometimes, the area around the breasts can feel flat or indented because of the growth of tumor cells that one cannot feel or see. If one feels any changes in one or both breasts, they must consider it as a possible warning sign and monitor it or approach a doctor for further diagnosis.
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4 Popular Treatment Methods for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

4 Popular Treatment Methods for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a medical condition wherein the muscles become weak and shrink in size. Infants and children are more at risk of developing SMA, a condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. A patient with this condition will find it difficult to control muscle movements like walking, sitting, and head movements. As the condition worsens, even swallowing and breathing becomes tough. However, several treatment options for SMA can help arrest the progression of the disease. Since SMA is an inherited condition, there is no cure for this disease yet. That said, the following treatment options for SMA can help a patient lead a normal life: Medications Medications are the first line of treatment options for SMA patients .  Doctors inject nusinersen and onasemnogene abeparvovec, a group of medicines to treat this disorder. In healthy individuals, the SMN1 and SMN2 genes instruct the cell machinery to produce survival protein motor neurons to control muscular movement. However, SMA patients are unable to control their actions, as these genes do not function properly due to the disease. The administration of injections propels the SMN2 gene to generate more survival motor neuron proteins. The medical team injects the first four doses of the medicine in 2 months, after which patients receive a maintenance dose every 4 months.
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5 Symptoms That Indicate Hepatitis C

5 Symptoms That Indicate Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C, an infection that develops due to the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), affects the liver. The Hepatitis C virus is transmitted when one comes into contact with contaminated blood, and it can lead to severe complications like cirrhosis and liver cancer if the condition isn’t treated on time. So, it is essential to identify the early warning signs of hepatitis C and get it treated in the initial stages. Herpetologists call hepatitis C a “silent” infection because the early warning signs of the condition mimic many other medical issues. Many people with the infection don’t even know that they have it. Let’s take a look at the initial symptoms that can help detect the condition in the early stages: Loss of appetite Poor appetite is one of the early warning signs of hepatitis C, and it can also cause weight loss. Nutritionists advise patients to have small and frequent nutritious meals to combat this issue. It is better to eat high-calorie, protein-based foods like eggs, beans, nuts, avocados, and protein shakes so that the consumption of small portions helps one meet the recommended dietary allowance. Nausea and vomiting Many patients complain of nausea and vomiting in the early stages of hepatitis C.
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