Different Stages and Treatments for Kidney Cancer

Different Stages and Treatments for Kidney Cancer

The treatment method for kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma depends on the stage or progress. Based on the level of spread and the severity of the condition, the disease is graded from stage 1 to 4. Understanding the stages and, and consequentially the treatment for kidney cancer occurs after the observation of the size of the tumor, presence of cancer in the lymph nodes, and the extent to which it has spread. So, let’s take a look at the stages and treatment for kidney cancer Stages Stage I When diagnosed at an early stage of onset, kidney cancer has the highest 5-year survival rate of 81%. The tumor in this case is smaller than 7cm in its cross-section. It is labeled as T1, N0, M0 as the tumor has not affected any lymph nodes. Stage II As the tumor grows more than 7cm, it is labeled as T2, N0. M0. There is still no metastasis or spread of the cancer and the lymph nodes stay unaffected. While comparing the stages and treatment for kidney cancer, stages I and II are the easiest to treat. The 5-year survival rate with the second stage is 74%. Stage III Irrespective of the tumor size, if the cancer has started affecting lymph nodes, it is in the third stage.
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Hemophilia: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hemophilia: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hemophilia is an inherited blood disorder wherein the blood does not clot properly. The signs of the condition vary from one person to another. It is crucial to know the symptoms of hemophilia and treatment methods you can avail of, as neglecting it can lead to dangerous consequences. The treatment depends on the severity of disorder, which is graded as mild, moderate or severe, based on factor levels. Excessive bleeding is one of the common signs of this disease. The bleeding can occur externally or internally and given below are some of the signs of external and internal bleeding to watch out for. Signs of external bleeding Frequent and hard to stop nosebleeds Bleeding of the mouth and gums after losing a tooth Heavy bleeding from minor cuts or large or deep bruises Bleeding from vaccinations Blood in urine or stool Signs of internal bleeding With a single bump on the head, people with severe hemophilia can experience bleeding in the brain. The signs include: Prolonged and painful headache Vomiting Double vision Sleepiness or tiredness Sudden weakness Seizures Bleeding in the joints and swelling are another sign of internal bleeding. The bleeding often affects the knees, elbows, and ankles and can make them swollen and painful to move.
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Early Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Early Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot forms in the deep veins of the body. It can also occur without any noticeable symptoms in the early stages. While the condition isn’t always dangerous, complications arise when a part of the clot breaks off and travels through the blood stream to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism. Being aware of the several deep vein thrombosis early warning symptoms is essential because this will enable you to determine the right course of action while avoiding complications. Whereas some people may experience one or all symptoms, others may have none. Given below are some of the recognizable early warning signs of deep vein thrombosis. Swelling of arm, leg or calf: This swelling is caused by a clot that prevents oxygen from reaching the organs, leading to poor blood circulation in the leg. If you see an unusual swelling that occurs without any warning, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Bulging veins: The blood clots will create red streaks that run along the length of veins, making them noticeable. Red skin: An early indicator of blood clots is when skin becomes red or discolored. Warmth in the leg:
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Early Warning Symptoms of UTI

Early Warning Symptoms of UTI

A urinary tract infection or UTI can be primarily described as an infection that occurs in any part of the urinary system of a person like bladder, urethra and kidneys. Experts have found that women at a higher risk of catching this infection than men. Knowing these early warning signs of UTIs can help people get timely treatments. UTI early warning signs to watch out for Pain in lower abdomen: O ne of the most common signs that people face if they are subjected to UTI is recurring pain in their lower abdomen or back. The bacteria causing the infection gets transferred to urethra from the rectum, and then all the way to the bladder. This results in pain that people experience in their abdomen. You should consult a doctor immediately if you experience pain you cannot trace to an obvious cause. Frequent urination: The early warning signs of UTI also include frequent urges to urinate. The urge can strike suddenly and cause you to lose control of your bladder. However little comes out when you do the needful. Also, the urine will have a foul smell if the bladder is infected. Feeling tired: A weak immune system invites all sorts of troubles, and chances of an infection are quite high.
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7 Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes That Work

7 Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes That Work

When the natural tear production in your eyes dwindles, it results in dry eyes. Aging can be one of the reasons for dryness. It can also happen due to some health conditions. There are some medications that cause dry eyes as side effects. However, with these natural remedies for dry eyes, you can prevent redness and irritation that comes when you leave the issue unaddressed. Here are some of the best natural remedies for dry eyes: Keep a check on your lifestyle Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol can cause the eyes to dry. These are habits that can affect the tear gland or lead to dehydration, which in turn can lead to dry eyes. Smoke can also further worsen the situation by irritating the eyes. So, try to quit the habit immediately. Establish a healthy sleep routine Getting a good night’s rest is one of the most reliable natural remedies for dry eyes. Make sure you keep all your gadgets away at least an hour before you go to bed. Use an eye mask for uninterrupted sleep. Consistent sleep routines can cure the existing dryness and also prevent the eyes from becoming excessively dry. Warm compress for immediate relief For irritation caused by dryness, a warm compress is effective.
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The Causes and Triggers of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

The Causes and Triggers of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a condition wherein high blood pressure affects the arteries in the lungs causing right ventricular failure. There are several causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Detecting it at the right time can help patients treat the condition well and boost their quality of life. Let’s take a look at some of the causes. Genetic mutation One common cause of pulmonary arterial hypertension is genetic mutation. The condition runs in the family and gets passed on to future generations. Portal hypertension Pulmonary arterial hypertension can be associated with this condition as there is an abnormal high blood pressure inside the liver, which causes veins to become swollen. Lowering of the amount of oxygen In certain conditions like pneumonia, the lungs suffer from inflammation resulting in poor oxygen supply to the body. This causes the vessels along the heart to contract, which leads to increased pressure. High altitude Prolonged subjection to high altitude that can trigger an increase in the level of stress hormones due to poor oxygen. It is one of the causes of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Certain medications Anti-obesity medications including dexfenfluramine and phen are known for triggering pulmonary hypertension in some patients. Additionally, few of the illegal prescriptions can cause this disease.
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The Top Migraine Triggers

The Top Migraine Triggers

For managing your migraine, it is essential to know what triggers them. As there are no universal triggers, finding the cause that is responsible for the onset of your migraine can be difficult. Some of the commonly-occurring triggers are related to lifestyle, environment, hormonal, medication, and weather. Let’s take a look at some of the top triggers for migraines. Stress Stress is a top trigger for migraines, and any form of tension or anxiety can lead to a migraine attack. The stress can be work-related or due to some intense physical activity. Diet Another one of the top triggers for migraines is related to diet. Craving for a particular food such as sugary snacks or eating insufficient meals can be the reason for a migraine attack. Certain food additives like artificial sweeteners, monosodium glutamate, and nitrates can also be responsible for triggering headaches. Caffeine and alcohol Drinking too much tea and coffee can cause problems if you are prone to migraines. That’s why you should monitor your intake of caffeine. Alcohol is one of the top triggers for migraines. It is mostly found women who drink red wine. Irregular sleep Too much or too little sleep is one of the top triggers for migraines.
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5 Health Benefits of Weighted Blankets

5 Health Benefits of Weighted Blankets

The role of weighted blankets has been vital in therapy clinics. With time, these blankets have gained popularity and are now readily available in the market. The blankets work wonders for people looking to improve their sleep quality and those dealing with sensory issues. Check out these health benefits of weighted blankets for body and mind: Reduces anxiety Anxiety is a common concern among people in these uncertain times. It can lead to many sleepless nights, which can cause insomnia. Weighted blankets can help minimize this problem by providing a firm but tender pressure whenever you need it. You can use the blankets anywhere. Some even use the smaller types in the office or the car. Better sleep quality A restful sleep is what you really need after a long day at work. Improving your sleep quality is one of the pivotal health benefits of weighted blankets. The pressure and firmness that these blankets provide is what enables people to fall asleep faster and maintain good sleep hygiene. Relieves symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder People diagnosed with OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder can find considerable comfort with weighted blankets. The deep touch pressure from these poly pellets filled gravity blankets increases the serotonin levels in people.
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Beat the Cold and Flu with These Natural Remedies

Beat the Cold and Flu with These Natural Remedies

The common cold and flu are seasonal infections that both adults and children suffer from. While it is not a serious disease, cold and flu can affect everyday life and can cause pain, discomfort, and fatigue. Here are some great natural remedies for cold and flu that you can try out at home. It will improve your immunity levels and reduce the intensity of the infections. Saltwater Gargling This helps soothe sore throat and removes infectious particles from the mouth and throat. Gargling with salt water will give you instant relief from throat pain too. Add a spoonful of salt to water that is hot enough for you to drink. Now, gargle at the back of your throat for a few seconds and then spit it out. You must repeat this a couple of times. Eat Warm Chicken Soup Grandma made chicken soup for you when you were not well because she knew what she was doing. It is proven fact that chicken soup is actually one of the best natural remedies for cold and flu. The soup helps with all kinds of upper respiratory infections, and helps your white blood cells fight the infection better. Keep Sipping on Ginger Tea Making ginger tea is easy.
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7 Tips for Effective Multiple Sclerosis Management

7 Tips for Effective Multiple Sclerosis Management

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system and causes numerous symptoms in the body. While you are busy figuring out the ways to find the best treatment for this chronic disease, you may forget how basic and effective lifestyle choices can bring a major change. So, listed below are the lifestyle tips to manage multiple sclerosis which can not only slow it down but also boost your overall health. Follow a Nutritious Diet To fight back an inflammatory condition like multiple sclerosis, it is important to switch to an anti-inflammatory diet. You can take appropriate servings of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Also, you must try to eat foods loaded with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as these are healthy fats. The sources of such fats are fishes like salmon, tuna and plant-based products like flax seeds. Avoid Excessive Heat One of the proven and highly effective lifestyle tips to manage multiple sclerosis is to simply avoid heat. The symptoms become worse if there is an increase in the body temperature. To keep your body cool, you can stay hydrated, avoid hot showers, and stay out of direct sunlight. Have Lots of Vitamin D The constant feeling of pain in the muscles and drained energy levels can be improved with adequate consumption of vitamin D.
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