Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Use and abuse of alcohol and substance can have serious consequences. Alcoholics are more likely to use other substances as well, including prescription or illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana. There are effective treatment options available that people can adopt if they want to get rid of these toxic addictions. However, treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse can differ depending on the individual case. Therefore, only medical professionals can decide what is best for whom. This article lists some of the most commonly used options to treat patients of alcohol and substance abuse. Drug and alcohol detox Detox is perhaps the first step towards quitting since the process involves almost total cut off from the source of addiction. It can be discomforting and painful at first, but with the help and assistance of medical professionals, people suffering from these conditions can get better. Medications It is one of the most sought-after choices when it comes to treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. Medication makes drinking and using drugs less enjoyable, so one does not want to do it anymore. Some medicines keep the fear of relapse at bay. Behavioral remedy Counseling can work wonders for people dealing with drug and alcohol addiction.
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10 Warning Signs for Nasal Polyps

10 Warning Signs for Nasal Polyps

Nasal Polyps is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the nose and sinus cavities. They are noncancerous growths that hang down like teardrops and grapes. The condition is known to affect almost four percent of the country’s population. Identifying the symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps early can make it easier to manage. Listed below are the symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps. Frequent allergies One of the initial symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps includes sneezing, runny nose, blocked nose, loss of sense of smell, and itchiness. Overexposure to dust and certain chemicals also causes inflammation of the nasal chamber leading to the disease. Asthma The chronic condition wherein the patient suffers from breathing issues, cough as well as wheezing, increases the risk of developing of nasal polyps. Use of aspirin The inclusion of certain drugs like aspirin that leads to chronic respiratory issues and itchy rashes is also considered as one of the symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps. Recurring sinus infections When the tissues along the sinuses are inflamed for a long duration of time due to deposition of mucus and swelling, it causes nasal polyps. The symptom can affect people belonging to all age groups and can also cause pain and headaches among patients.
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Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Early Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer happens when cells that line in the rectum or colon turn abnormal and grow out of control. This is also called colorectal cancer and is the third most common type of cancer that men and women in the country are diagnosed with. Here are some of the early warning symptoms for colon cancer that you should know about. Change in bowel habits At the beginning of the condition, the lining of your colon will be clumped by a group of cells called colon polyp. This group of cells, as they grow bigger, can affect bowel movements. One of the early warning symptoms for colon cancer is inconsistent bowel patterns, including loose stools, constipation, thinning of stools, and random changes in the frequency of bowel movements. Rectal bleeding Another common symptom that you should not ignore is rectal bleeding. Some people may start noticing their stools red in color or mixed with blood. For others, the stains of blood in the toilet paper should be an early warning symptom for colon cancer. Stools that are consistently black or dark brown can also mean the stools are mixed with dried blood. Weight loss With the development of cancer, the body starts producing cancer-fighting compounds called cytokines.
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Cervical Cancer: 9 Early Warning Signs

Cervical Cancer: 9 Early Warning Signs

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cervix. The disease is mostly experienced by women aged between 35 to 44. Analyzing the risk associated with the disease and noticing the warning signs early on can help one deal with cervical cancer better. Listed below are a few early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer. Unusual bleeding from the vagina If there are bouts of bleeding between two menstrual periods, or there is heavier or prolonged bleeding during cycles, then these may be recognized as early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer. If a person is bleeding after intercourse or pelvic examination, it could be a sign of the disease. Smelly vaginal discharge The initial symptom of the disease also includes a foul smelling vaginal discharge that occurs as a result of infection due to the presence of cancer cells in the cervix. The discharge may also be experienced on a continual basis and in different colors including brown, pale, and reddish when combined with blood. Pain in the pelvic area Many women have continuous pain on the lower back area along with the reproductive organ. These early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer when identified on time, may help in controlling the spread of the disease.
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6 Effective Birth Control Techniques

6 Effective Birth Control Techniques

There are several common methods of birth control, many of which do not even require a doctor visit or prescription. Each method works in a different way. While some methods prevent the sperm from getting to an egg, there are others that inhibit the female body from releasing eggs. But every contraceptive technique has the same goal — to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Here are some of the best contraceptive methods. Male condom This is one of the most commonly used methods of birth control. A male condom prevents unwanted pregnancy by stopping the sperms from entering into the vagina. It is worn by men over their penis at the time of intercourse. Made from latex or polyurethane, these condoms can be easily purchased from drugstores or supermarkets. They also help to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Female condom The female condom comprises of two flexible rings made from polyurethane. One ring easily fixes behind the pubic cone to keep the condom in place whereas the other stays outside the vagina. Though it can be said that this method is less effective than a male condom, it helps to prevent 79 percent of the pregnancies. It can also be used along with a physical barrier.
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Overactive Bladder: Warning Signs and Treatment Options

Overactive Bladder: Warning Signs and Treatment Options

Overactive bladder (OAB) results in a sudden and frequent need to urinate that might be hard to control. One will feel uneasy and will have an urge to pass urine numerous times during the course of day and night. One must evaluate the symptoms that cause OAB and look for a suitable treatment for it. Below listed are a few of the symptoms and treatments for overactive bladder. Symptoms The most prominent and common symptoms of OAB are as follows. Urinary urgency: This is the inability of a person to postpone or delay the need to pass urine. After the urgency, one will have to rush to the bathroom to urinate. Frequency of urination: If one is suffering from OAB, they will urinate more than eight times in 24 hours. Typically, a person urinates twice or thrice in a day, so in comparison, it is more than double. Urge incontinence: This is one of the main symptoms of OAB. In this scenario, there will be a slight leakage of urine whenever one experiences the need to urinate. Nocturia: This is a symptom in which one will wake up at least twice at night to urinate. Treatment If one is looking to understand the symptoms and treatments for overactive bladder, here are some of the effective treatment strategies that might be the most appropriate approach to get rid of OAB symptoms.
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Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Asthma

Lifestyle Tips to Help Manage Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory condition, where the basic act of breathing becomes difficult. There may not be a complete treatment to cure this disease, but certain lifestyle changes can definitely people avoid asthma attacks. So, to prevent this condition from disrupting your everyday life, here are few lifestyle tips for managing asthma. Understand your triggers For every asthma patient, a basic way to prevent an asthma attack is to understand what triggers it. Common asthma triggers include strong odors, dust mites, pollen, animals, smoke and chemical fumes. Once you know your trigger, the next logical step is to take measures to avoid it as much as possible. Manage your weight Being overweight or obese can worsen the presence of asthma. Consuming a healthy diet, avoiding processed food, and exercising regularly can help you in monitoring your weight, which may also improve your symptoms. Adhere to prescriptions A crucial lifestyle tip for managing asthma is to follow the medications prescribed by your doctor. In case the patient is a child, the parents should make sure that their kids take the medicines on time. Follow a diet rich in antioxidants People who consume antioxidants in their diet are better at managing the symptoms.
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Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Melanoma

Prevention, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Melanoma

One of the most serious forms of skin cancer is melanoma. This disease develops in the pigment-producing cells of the skin known as melanocytes. Reading up on prevention, symptoms, and treatment methods for melanoma can help you to be aware of the condition and take appropriate measures to reduce your risk for it or avail timely treatment. Melanoma: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment Prevention Knowing how to prevent the condition is probably the most essential, although definitively doing so is not an option. Since melanoma mostly occurs on the areas of the body most exposed to harmful UV radiation, the following preventive measures can be useful: Avoiding tanning beds Using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 Using sunscreen throughout the year even when it is cloudy Limiting outdoor activities between 10 am – 4 pm when the radiation from the sun is the strongest Wearing a hat, sunglasses and long-sleeved clothing when outdoors Going for regular skin cancer screenings especially if you are at high risk for the condition as this will help to detect melanoma and other types of skin cancer in the early stages. Symptoms Moles usually have a specific border, color and are about 6 mm in size.
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The Different Types of Lymphoma

The Different Types of Lymphoma

There are over 60 different types of lymphoma, and all of them require various forms of treatment depending on how they behave. Some types tend to affect children more than adults. However, all the different types of lymphoma can be classified into two major categories, namely Hodgkin’s lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The difference between the two is the absence of the Reed-Sternberg cells, which are large cancerous cells in patients with the latter condition. The different types of lymphoma Non -Hodgkin’s lymphoma: According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, this is a very common form of the condition. It can affect the B-cells or T-cells of the immune system. Some of the forms of lymphoma that fall in this category are: B-cell lymphoma: This is an aggressive fast-growing lymphoma that occurs in the B-cells in the blood. It can be cured if treated but if left untreated it can be fatal. T-cell lymphoma: This type accounts for 15% of all NHL cases. There are various forms of this condition. Burkitt’s lymphoma: This is a very rare form of NHL and affects people with a weakened or compromised immune system. It is quite common among children in sub-Saharan Africa, however, it does occur in other parts of the world too.
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Types and Warning Signs of Leukemia

Types and Warning Signs of Leukemia

The type of cancer that affects the blood cells is called leukemia. The anomaly occurs in the bone marrow and it gradually healthy blood cells, replacing them with cancerous ones. As the cancer progresses, the patient becomes vulnerable to several types of infections as the immune system is weakened. Based on the way the cancer grows, there are different types of leukemia. Accordingly, the symptoms of different types of leukemia are also different. Symptoms of different types of leukemia Acute lymphocytic leukemia Commonly found in children, this type of abrupt onset of leukemia is characterized by the abnormal growth of immature lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cells responsible for maintaining healthy immunity. It is known to be common in patients with gene-related medical conditions like Down syndrome. Here are a few warning signs of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Sudden weight loss or alteration in appetite Unexplained infections due to abnormalities in white blood cells Excess fatigue in young kids is often seen as a common symptom Sudden appearance of bruises due to malfunctioning platelets Acute myeloid leukemia Like ALL, this one also advances at an accelerated pace. As one of the most commonly occurring types of leukemia in adults, this occurs in the blood-forming cells that develop into white blood cells or red blood cells.
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